
Error message

Warning: unserialize(): Error at offset 2 of 15 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1258 of /home/haitifuture/public_html/includes/bootstrap.inc).
 Future Generations Haiti believes sustainable development must be led by Haitian communities and built on their strengths, not their needs.

Searching for Succcess

Future Generations Haiti looks for Haitian communities that are driving their own development - and succeeding. We added them to an online, interactive map learn from them about how they got there.

Communities as Teachers

We believe the best people to teach Haitian communities how to develop are... other Haitian communities that are leading their own development. We facilitate peer trainings across Haiti.

Investing in Innovation

By highlighting innovations across Haiti, Future Generations Haiti is looking to encourage the world to invest in local solutions to Haitian problems. 
