What we do and who we work with
With the support of the Flora Family Foundation, Future Generations Haiti was able to continue reinforcing its mentorship and support initiatives in Cite Soleil (including sending 30 young community leaders to professional school), and was able to create a basic creole-language SEED-SCALE training guide and pilot it in three locations. After a year of observation and support, Future Generations scaled up its mentorship to four departments across the country in partnership with the United Nations Community Violence Reduction (UNCVR) section. Three pilot projects were launched in four departments (Ouest, Artibonite, Sud-Est, and Nord):
Success Mapping: a 6-month pilot initiative with the goal of identifying empowered communities who were driving their own development, putting them on an online interactive map, creating detailed case studies on the most interesting cases, and bringing communities together through a series of regional and national conferences (see “Success Mapping”)
Civic Education: a 6-month pilot initiative to teach communities the SEED-SCALE methodology and guide them through community action plans to better understand how to plan, organize, and evaluate their community initiatives. (see “Haiti Empowered”)
Leadership: a 6-month pilot initiative to develop a leadership curriculum for community change agents in partnership with CHLE (Center for Haitian Leadership and Excellence) and the Coady International Institute. Trainings were carried out on collective leadership, project management, partnership development, and conflict transformation.
Building on the incredibly positive results from the success mapping initiative, Future Genereations Haiti partnered with Humanity United and the Hawaii Community Foundation to continue the Success Mapping initiative, broadening into new geographic areas. Through this initiative, Future Generations Haiti was also able to facilitate over a dozen peer exchanges, where communities teach other communities practical skills that they have developed and mastered. These exchanges range from community nursery management to agricultural transformation to community micro-finance (see “Communities Teaching Communities”.)
Future Generations Haiti also partners with Haiti Communitere, an innovative community resource center. Haiti Communitere has several community workspaces and provides practical training and resources to community projects. Future Generations Haiti refers partner communities to Haiti Communitere to help them transform community plans into actionable projects.